Our Team.
Starting from March 18th, 2023, Embracing ARMS has been officially acknowledged as a Behavioral Health and Therapeutic service organization operating within Texas. Our dedicated team of professionals is enthusiastic about extending our services exclusively to parents and teenagers who are actively participating in our esteemed leadership programs.
At Embracing ARMS (EA), our core belief is rooted in the idea that individuals progress more effectively through life when they are enabled to access support and prospects within their local communities. These opportunities work towards enhancing their social, emotional, financial, and physical well-being. EA is deeply involved in initiatives that foster positive settings for program beneficiaries, facilitating their growth as robust, well-balanced, and fully engaged contributors to their communities.
A pivotal aspect of empowering individuals and families to cultivate the most conducive surroundings for accomplishing their aspirations involves addressing obstacles prevalent in communities that contribute to unfavorable outcomes. EA comprehends the impact of structural bias and racism on generating disparities across various systems. This imbalance has led to an overrepresentation of people of color within youth correctional facilities, collective child welfare programs, behavioral health initiatives, and other out-of-home placements.
(Please note: These specialized services are exclusively accessible to youths and families actively enrolled in our dedicated youth and parent leadership programs. For more details, we encourage you to reach out to our Outreach and Advancement Director, Tyrell, at Tyrell@embracingarms.com.)

Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP)

Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP)
Embracing ARMS seek to address the mission and vision of our behavioral health services by offering three different opportunities for our adolescents and teens to engage with us.

Individualized Services
We provide intensive individualized service to children in their homes, school and community through our Behavioral Health Services. Though each youth’s plan is different, EA works to build upon the existing strengths of the child and family; develop the young person and family’s skills in self-managing areas of need; and connect the family to professional and informal resources in their community that provide support beyond program involvement as needed and desired by the family.

Adolescents (children aged 10–19) are growing up in a transforming world. Technology, migration, climate change and conflict are reshaping society, forcing people across the globe to adapt to unexpected changes in their lives and work.
To keep up, must be able to seize opportunities and confront challenges. They need education and skills to become lifelong learners, to secure productive work, to make informed decisions and to positively engage in their communities.

Group Therapy
Teen group therapy can focus on a wide range of issues, including substance abuse, behavioral issues, and relationships with parents or peers. Sometimes group therapy sessions focus on practicing coping or communication skills. Teens share their personal experiences openly and honestly. In turn, other group members offer nonjudgmental attention and caring to others in need of support.